Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Visual Guide to MLA 8 Containers

Visual Guide to MLA 8 Containers (4) To see our full infographics collection,  click here. When MLA 8th edition was released in 2016, it changed MLA’s approach to citing. No longer do writers and researchers have to conform citations around a source type; MLA format now centers around a standard set of elements for all source types. With this new approach was also a new concept: Containers. According to the official MLA Style Center, a container is: “When the source being documented forms part of a larger whole, the larger whole can be thought of as a container that holds the source.” Knowing what containers are and how to use them is key in accurately citing a source. To help you expertly understand and cite containers we’ve created an infographic that visually shows common examples of containers, outlines citation structure, and provides real example citations. At a glance, review what a source with one, two, or no containers should look like. Feel free to link to, share, or print the infographic! Let’s all be citation savvy! Citing in other styles? No problem! We also have citation tools and guides for APA format and Chicago style.